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Oatman, Arizona Where the Wild Burros Roam

Howdy folks! Big Mike here. Just published a new video from our trip to Oatman, Arizona on December 31st, 2024. Amanda and I had a blast visiting the donkeys (or burros, as some folks call ’em) and exploring this cool Route 66 town. Check it out

It’s Road Trip Time !!!

Welcome to Oatman, Arizona! This journey starts as you enter town on Historic Route 66 from the Kingman side. That classic Route 66 shield painted on the road? Perfect photo op! Oatman is an old-time town with a fun, quirky vibe, and it’s famous for its friendly burros (or donkeys, if you prefer).

But hey, who says we have to follow the rules of time? Let’s rewind a bit! Our adventure actually began on the other side of town, coming in from Bullhead City. We cruised along until we hit Route 66, and our first stop was to say hello to a herd of burros just outside of Oatman. Come along for the ride!”

Amanda and I had a blast petting the burros, especially all the adorable babies! You’ll feel like you’re right there with us in the video, giving these friendly guys a good scratching and showing them some love.

To see more information on the Burros and Oatman Arizona check out our Travel Page

Speaking of love, remember to be kind to these gentle creatures. If you feed the burros, please stick to hay pellets or cubes – you can find them for cheap in the Oatman stores. Fruit and other treats might seem tempting, but they can cause choking or colic, and we don’t want to see these friendly donkeys get sick. Just because a critter will eat something doesn’t mean it’s good for them!

Daisey May our Rescue Donkey the first day we got here she was so Skinny and Afraid she was 6 months old

Well, the first little girl I met was a cute brown burro, pretty young. She had a white nose and white patches around her eyes, almost like a mask. We have a rescue donkey at home named Daisy May who’s just a little over a year old. She’s taught me the best places to scratch a donkey! They love a good, hard scratch on the back, but I’ve learned that if you’re just getting to know them, it’s best to pet their back first. Sometimes they’re a bit touchy about people they don’t know touching their face.

It’s funny, my donkey at home will follow me around after a good scratching to remind me she needs more! She’ll give me a gentle nudge in the back with her nose, just to say, “Howdy, you’ve got more work to do!” She’s so much bigger now; I’ll show you a current photo in a bit.

But back to this little girl outside of Oatman. She was really enjoying her back scratch, so much so that she even came back for more!”

The baby burro’s mom was nearby, too. She wandered off a little ways but kept a watchful eye on her baby and me. She was a pretty gray Jenny burro

“Now, I want to share some friendly advice about interacting with these cute, furry burros. There are a few important rules to keep in mind:

First things first: Please don’t bring dogs to Oatman. Dogs and burros don’t mix! The burros see dogs as coyotes or predators and will often attack them to protect their herd. This is serious business, folks. You won’t be able to stop a jack (a male donkey) if he decides to attack a dog.

When it comes to feeding the burros, they’ll happily eat out of your hand. But be sure to keep your hand flat so they don’t accidentally nip a finger. They’re usually very considerate, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

And speaking of feeding, please stick to hay pellets or cubes. You can buy these at the Oatman stores. Fruit and other treats might seem tempting, but they can cause choking or colic, and we don’t want to see these friendly donkeys get sick.

If you see any burros acting up, fighting, or being aggressive, steer clear. These are strong animals, and you don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.

And a special note for parents: Keep a close eye on your children around the burros. It’s best to have them stand in front of or to the side of the donkey. Never walk behind a donkey, as they might kick if they get spooked.

Always be kind and respectful to the donkeys. Don’t let kids yank their hair or be mean to them, and never go under them. These animals are gentle, but they’re still wild. Even with tame donkeys and horses, it’s important to follow these basic safety rules when you’re around animals you don’t know.”

A fella named John Moss. Back in 1863, he struck gold in the Black Mountains, But it was not until around 1915 that Oatman really took off. It had all the excitement and characters you’d expect in a gold rush town – miners, gamblers, shopkeepers, you name it! For about ten years, Oatman’s mines were some of the biggest gold producers in the West. Can you imagine the fortunes won and lost here?  

And speaking of names, did you know Oatman was actually named after a young woman named Olive Oatman? Her story is pretty incredible. Back in the 1850s, her family was attacked while traveling through Arizona, and she and her sister were taken captive by Natives. Olive lived with the tribe for several years before eventually returning to society. Her story became famous, and when this town popped up, they decided to name it in her honor.  

Now, even after the gold rush fizzled out, Oatman found a new lease on life thanks to Route 66. When the Mother Road came through in the 1926 it brought a whole new wave of folks to town. Travelers passing through on their way to California would stop for supplies, grab a bite to eat, or maybe even spend the night. Route 66 really helped keep Oatman alive!

But hold your horses! The story doesn’t end there. Things took a turn in the 1953 when they built a new part of Route 66 that completely bypassed Oatman. It was like someone flipped a switch, and almost overnight, the town went quiet. For a while, it was practically a ghost town. But then, something unexpected happened… the burros! See, back in the day, miners used burros to haul their stuff, and when they closed up shop, they just let those burros go. Now, all these years later, those burros are still roaming around! They’re a big reason why folks come to visit Oatman today. It’s like stepping back in time, and I gotta say, it’s pretty darn cool.

Alright, alright, I got a little carried away there! Back to the video, folks. But I do hope you enjoyed learning a bit about Oatman’s history. It’s a fascinating place, and those burros are something else!

Speaking of which, if you ever find yourself cruising down Route 66 in Arizona, be sure to stop by and see me (Big Mike) in Seligman at Route 66 Road Relics. And of course, don’t miss those friendly donkeys in Oatman! The whole Route 66 experience is something you won’t soon forget

“Okay, now back to the video! And get ready to laugh… because Big Mike ends up in jail—twice! (Don’t worry, it’s all in good fun). And just wait till you hear Amanda’s reaction—she couldn’t stop laughing!


After my stints in the slammer, we decided to explore a haunted mine here in Oatman. Now that was an adventure! A little spooky, a little eerie… you know, the perfect way to spend an afternoon in a ghost town!

We had a blast exploring this old mining town. It might have been a ghost town once, but these days, it’s bustling with activity! The shops are full of life, and the streets are packed with people.

And of course, the burros are the real stars of the show. They wander the streets like they own the place, which I guess they kind of do! It’s a true Wild West experience with a modern twist, right there on Route 66. If you ever get the chance to travel the Mother Road, be sure to add Oatman to your list! You won’t regret it.”

.A Big thank you for joining me, Big Mike from Route 66 Road Relics, on our little adventure into Oatman, Arizona, on Route 66! And remember, folks, watch your step when you’re strolling through town… you never know where a fresh apple pie might have landed in the street! 😉

Remember Daisy May, the rescue donkey I introduced a while back? Well, she’s on her way to becoming a real Route 66 sweetheart! Check out the Photo above to see her training progress she is learning how to become a greeter donkey on your next Route 66 Arizona road trip

Take a trip down memory lane with us! The video above captures the day we welcomed Daisy May, our rescue donkey, into the Route 66 Road Relics family. Get ready for some donkey-powered adventure! Big Mike and Daisy May are the real-life Shrek and Donkey, ready to take on Route 66. Who knows what adventures await !!!

If you enjoyed this little taste of Route 66 and want to see more of our adventures, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel! Just search for and come along for the ride!”

All Photos are property and copyright of Route 66 Road Relics

Best Regards, Mike Thomas (Big Mike) Route 66 Road Relics

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